DJ Beginner – 3 Tips to the Top

I remember eight years ago when I first decided to get fully involved in DJing. Several things were going through my head at the time. A few concerns and thoughts were things like… “How do I raise cash for this hobby?”, “How am I going to learn how to use the equipment?”, “How will I promote myself as a DJ?” etc etc… In this article, I want to talk about 3 tips for the DJ beginner and what they need to know to succeed as a DJ.

So let’s talk about these tips and what they can do for you to make it to the top.

Tip 1. Have a broad knowledge of music!

This is especially true if you are looking to get work outside of a particular niche and goal out universally. By going to Universal, you have more opportunities for work in different areas whether it’s DJing at weddings, 21st birthday parties, or even nightclubs!

Tip 2. Identify an image for yourself

What I mean by this is to create a brand for yourself. Create an image that resembles a professional businessperson. Do not mimic a particular person, but rather create your image. You should be able to exude confidence, and swagger, and be able to focus your attention on what’s most important – your music.

Tip 3. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want!

From time to time in life you have to ask for a change of pace or direction. When I DJ at a hotel I am required to spin a certain way, beat, genre, or style of music. I tend to ask for this to be changed depending on the mood of the room and the current taste of the guests. In some cases, I simply need a tooviator for the night and do not change anything. When you ask for this, make sure you can deliver with 100uttle. This is essential whether you are working on a budget or not.

Swearing is not encouraged at DJ nights!

Tip 4. Always be professional, even if you aren’t!

If you take off of that lovely keyboard you have put some work in, you should still be performing at the end of the night. I have met DJs that have played a set Ezine and then haven’t done so for a week without learning or getting gigs. If you are doing it for the fun of it, be professional and get on with your job.

Tip 5. Preparing Without Gigs

Many DJs are so full of themselves that they don’t have time to work on other tasks. Even if you have time to DJ a set at a party, you should still be preparing other tasks such as contract work, press kits, CDs, etc. You may not have time to rosin and clean your decks, make sure you do. I see many DJs that have ranked DJ status but when they are not even interested in learning new skills they are still spending precious time doing other tasks. This is extremely unprofessional and puts other DJs at a disadvantage.

If you are a Professional DJ, you should still be practicing and looking for gigs even if you don’t get paid. You should be doing this for self-training. When you learn new skills, you set yourself apart from the rest and also give yourself a further competitive advantage over other DJs who simply wish to take advantage of their positions.

So there you have it! A Few tips to improve your DJ game. disadvantages of being a Digital DJ, compared to a traditional DJ. You have more freedom when it comes to work, travel and even having access to decks. You should always look for new sounds and techniques. DJing is like anything else you do in life. The more experience you have, the more you understand your options and become more successful.

Don’t get bogged down with the technical stuff and everything should be average!

Some of these tips may not be for you. It is completely up to you what you want to do and where you want to go. Remember that DJing is a lifelong series of exciting experiences.

If you follow these tips, you will surely get their attention and hopefully see your DJing career through!

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