Surviving in a Volcanic Environment -REF Calls forChange


THE SUathan F CHRIST saved a nation of people by the blood of Jesus Christ two thousand years ago.

At the time he believed in the prophecies of the Old Testament, which men believed. Because the prophets said so many things that cannot be fulfilled those prophets moved to the point of total confidence in the prophecies. They were in strong agreement with the living God and the living God could see them through.

The good news was that another man called Isaiah also believed that with God there will always be good news. He believed that it will be the people of God that will understand the meaning of our needs and supply their wants through the Power of God. God spoke to Isaiah and told him that it was his task to tell the people that the way they were living God’s original plans for their nation do not work. Isaiah asked for a piece of the vision to relieve the people of his overburden, and God surprised him with this. He asked for another type of vision that would allow God to remind the people to return to faith in the one true God.

His request was granted and God directed Isaiah to write his words to the people of Israel. “We see the righteous as those who have turned toward us with favor according to our righteousness”. The words changed the course of mankind. However, his request to return to his people was ignored. The people had their eyes on golden things.

Once again God spoke to Isaiah and the Isaiah cast them out into darkness because they would not return to him. He said that they would not be able to understand what had happened. What God was saying was that as long as the people remained in darkness they could not understand what had happened. The only way they would understand was that His word is the way of return, whatever the cost.

That was two thousand years ago, and the prophecies in the Old Testament have proven to be true up until now. All the prophecies have been fulfilled. What is seen is the prophetic words and there is the completion of the prophecies. God fulfilled three thousand years ago, and He will do it again because the people of God are lazy to obey His word and His direction.

True obedience and remaining in the will of God opens the door for success to enter your life. People allow themselves to live by the principles of their own will because they are not obedient to God’s principles. Once this happens people are lost and without purpose. I say prosperity comes forth when obedience and His direction are preserved. This also is where the value of education comes from.

After all, is said and done you can only change as fast as you are who you are. Who are you? That is the question that God made you answer.

To answer that question He has given you His Word. The Word is made available for your benefit and the benefit of others. The Godhead gave you and me a whole purpose in life. The Bible records it in the book that we call the Gospel. His instructions to you are clear through His written Word, The Gospel. This Gospel is yours to keep and keep until your change does.

Do it at your own risk. It can and will hurt you the most – Know that it is at your disposal. It is one of the greatest investments you will ever make in yourself. Receive it with gratitude. Haggle and argue for it? No good. The offers of success and gifts will fall at your feet. Until you have them there is a way you are going to listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, which encourages you to change.

There needs to be new optimism, change of ideas, new ways of thinking, new habits you have to establish, and a whole new way of being. It takes time to change, but change you will.

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