The Benefits of Caffeine

The Benefits of Caffeine

The Benefits of Caffeine

The Benefits of Caffeine : You may have noticed some recent articles and television ads regarding the possible benefits of caffeine. The media has been flooded with the supposed “water soluble vitamins” that are supplied by coffee.

A lot of research has been done on the benefits of caffeine. Although some held true, any benefits provided by is due to the interaction between the compounds contained in the coffee bean and our body through the gastric acid it secretes when it is digested.

As it turns out, caffeine provides some important health benefits.

Despite the fact that coffee has no established nutritional value or health benefits, the American Dietetic Association has jumped on the bandwagon and has decreed that people should be drinking three or more cups of it each day.

The truth is that the biggest benefits of caffeine comes from the mental alertness it gives you. The greater mental focus you have, the less likely you will be suckered into having a coffee to cure the noticed headache.

Aside from the mental fog that it has on your mind, caffeine is known to increase your heart rate as if you were coming down with the flu. As scary as that may sound, you actually protect yourself from heart disease by choosing to drink coffee.

Caffeine also gives you that “pick-me-up” feeling that many do not get in the morning. You are more alert, more productive and more focused to do anything you need to do.

In addition, caffeine can also help stimulate your central nervous system. That is why many people use it for daytime escorting and travel.

Furthermore, caffeine has been proven to increase your breathing rate. As you are breathing faster and more air with each inhale of your lungs, your heart rate speeds up as well. As a result, you feel like you are exercising and getting fit.

The health benefits of caffeine are abundant. With the least amount being a caffeine trip we all know what a trip feels like.

After drinking your morning cup of coffee or tea, you know you will have that “carrot” feeling of light headedness and fatigue now and then, but on average you body will feel the benefits of more energy, better sleep and an overall feeling of better health for the rest of the day.

The famous Prasouda Diet in Turkey claims to relieve menopausal symptoms. For three days, menopausal women felt less pain and felt better on the diet. They also noticed an improvement in their dream recall as well.

Coffee is not the only choice for a good morning pick me up. You can try herbal teas like Chamomile or imagine vanilla or coconut extracts.

Or, mix it up with well chosen energy drink. The Aloe Vera Diet is another diet that uses chamomile as an aid to get rid of the symptoms of menopause.

Chamomile being the only plant influenced product, always pay attention to how frequently you are using it. Because it is high in aisle lotion and can be messy, keep this in mind.

Last but not least some people choose to use caffeine free multivitamin supplements. Not many products offer such a thing.

So, how is your diet? Any major changes?

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