Bladder Control Pads

Bladder Control Pads

Bladder Control Pads

The loss of bladder control is very common to both men and women and can sometimes cause embarrassment to both. It affects people of all ages.

It is actually a condition called incontinence, which is a loss of bladder control. However, it is not a disease, but rather a symptom of several underlying illnesses and diseases.

A recent report showed that women are twice as likely to develop incontinence as men. It seems that for women whose pregnancies are extensive, the loss of bladder control is more pronounced.

This leads to a great need for the use of bladder control pads, to help maintain bladder control in these situations.

So what can you do to fight incontinence?

Bladder control pads are absorbent pads or liners, used mainly to maintain bladder pressure at an optimum, especially during exercise, bowel movement and also when under increased water pressure.

They are available in three absorbency levels, so you can choose the right one for you. Also, each one of these pads is clearly labeled, so you know exactly what level of absorbency it is.

If you suffer from incontinence, then it is an excellent idea to purchase one of these products to help you regain your control.

If you are exercising regularly, It might be worth investing in a bladder control pad, just in case you cannot remove any waste from your body, before you begin your exercise.

If you are going on a toilet rush, then it is vital to invest in a diaper that will prevent any leakage from occurring. Bladder control pads are commonly known as pregnancy pads, but there are many products available, that will keep you safe and dry during your pregnancy.

Some incontinence aids are even available as stand-alone products, that will enable you to continue with your normal activities, after you have recovered from your period, therefore providing you with an even better chance of regaining control over your bladder.

It is important to follow the advice that your doctor gives you, in order to find out which type of incontinence aid is best suited to your needs. It is also worth remembering, that whilst you are coughing up phlegm, urine can build up next to your skin, and it is not recommended that you scratch this, as it can open up infections and further discomfort.

Try to soak the pads in a warm bath, or have a warm shower, before you use it.

Find it hard to believe, but one of the most effective ways, to find out if there is a patch of incontinence that needs your attention is by using a urine patch. Obtain one from your local pharmacy and it will help you to assess the extent of any leaks that are occurring, and it will also boost your confidence.

The bladder control pads are not only designed to give you relief from any leaks that you may have, they will also help to improve your self esteem, your peace of mind and will even help to regain lost confidence.

Tide them with confidence.

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